Paul - Lyin' - Ryan

Excerpts from His RNC Speech


Lyin’ Ryan

Sing along to the tune "Rockin' Robin"
(with my apologies to Robby Day...)


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He says that Obama closed an auto plant
Unless he can go back in time, Obama can’t

He claims that Obama steals from Medicare
If we go with Ryan’s plan it won’t be there

Lyin’ Ryan (tweet, tweet, tweet) Lyin’ Ryan (tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet)
Oh, Lyin’ Ryan, yeah you really need to speak the truth (tweety tweet)

You say that Obama bailed on Simpson-Bowles
But you were on the panel and you voted “NO”

You try to blame Obama for the credit rate
When you bailed on the debt though, Paul, you sealed its fate

Lyin’ Ryan (tweet, tweet, tweet) Lyin’ Ryan (tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet)
Oh, Lyin’ Ryan, yeah you really need to speak the truth (tweety tweet)

You’ve lied so much your nose is growing on your face
You even lied about the time you ran a race

Lyin’ Ryan (tweet, tweet, tweet) Lyin’ Ryan (tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet)
Oh, Lyin’ Ryan, yeah you really need to speak the truth (tweety tweet)